Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mental abuse?

someone is making an effort to mentally abuse me every time i see them. They are taking advantage of my good will, love and kindness. They arent doing it in obvious ways but by covert means. When they were sure they had me controlled and won by their charms they were more blunt in the abuse but now they are doing it more subversivly. What does someone get out of emotionally or mentally abusing or taking advantage of another?
it is a power trip. People like that are control freaks and can and will hurt others to obtain their desired wants. If this is making you feel victimized you need to get out of this situation right now, and protect yourself from such people. Your needs matter first, and if someone is taking control over you, this is a sign that you may be in danger.
It makes them feel better about themselves it is sick I know. Please get out of that situation
Whom ever this is doesn't have too much self esteem and the fact that you are noticing this is to be commended. More than likely they don't feel too good about themselves. Muster everything you have and get out of this situation. No one deserves to be taken advantage of. It hurts.

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