Sunday, October 25, 2009

Just need some one to help out?

Lately I been depressed and images of hanging myself have been going through my mind and for some reason it puts me in a better mood. This is not right. I just need some one to talk it out with so I can let it out. No, I am not seeing a doctor. Just been having a rough time lately and need someone to talk to about it.
You can talk to me and I'd be glad to listen, anytime!
You have made a big step in asking for someone to listen. You may contact me at any time. I am a Mom and will respect your age. Do get help someway. You are Special and do know that you are loved.
If you have access to a counselor at school or work, by all means take advantage of seeing them. Your preferred clergy may have training in counseling or may be able to refer you to a free clinic. If you can afford a professional, retain one. Don't fool around with this. If you do something rash, it may or may not make you fell better. But it will definitely hurt those close to you, the ones that really care about you. I'm no professional, but I'll help you any way I can.
You can message me, if you want. I know about suicidal ideation.

As for your healthcare concerns, your employer doesn't find out. Your doctor visits are confidential, as are any prescriptions you're on. It doesn't go on any record and you could sue the pants off your employer if you lost your job due to a mental illness. There's nothing to worry about in getting treatment from health insurance through a job. First, they'd have to find out - which doesn't happen. Then, they'd have to think you're a danger - which they won't if they're not completely daft. Then, they'd have to fire you - which is illeagal. Therefore, not having healthcare is a legitimate reason to not see a doctor. Fear of losing your job is not.

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