Saturday, October 31, 2009

Local paper says study on marijuana triggers psychotic symptoms, where's the study for cigs and alcohol effect

in local newspaper I read where British doctors did brains scans on volunteers given small doses of two of the active ingredients of cannabis and says its triggers psychotic symptoms, (newspaper didn't say anything about scans after they smoked the marijuana) doses of CBD and THC and smoking the weed are not the same. But the doctors says marijuana causes psychotic symptoms, where are the studies that compart marijuana effects with what smoking tobacco, and what alcohol does to u. What psychotic symptoms is tobacco and alcohol have?
Well, I am 40 and have smoked daily for over 25 years. I have never been paranoid and definently do not live a pointless life. I have never had a psycotic episode and firmly believe that studies like that are riged. I know different things affect different people different ways but I personaly have never met anybody that gets these types of symptoms from smoking weed. On the other hand I know several people that can not touch alcohol without becoming violent. It was probably a government funded study....
I am 52 years old...let me say this openly and honestly...
I gave up dope in 1974 because it was making me paranoid.

I have never smoked since.

I think dope makes people paranoid.

Even if it doesn' makes people follow a pointless and stupid lifestyle that only 'shitheads' think is cool.

If you want to think that being ignorant is desirable...that is your problem, not mine.
I just read about a study where they did this. Not sure if it was the same one though.
The study I read about only included people who already had schizophrenia and were on stable medication regimens. They wanted to find out whether smoking weed made them psychotic, and it did to many of them. Honestly, I would assume it made them psychotic by interfering with their meds. I seriously doubt a mentally stable person can just become psychotic out of nowhere from smoking it.
The government makes damn good money from cigarettes and alcohol.
Why would they want to put people off taking there own drugs when they can find faults with ones that they don't earn from.
smoking too much cannabis may cause manic or psychotic

smoking dope every day for 2 or more years can cause long
term damage
We don't need a study on the psychotic effects caused by tobacco. Watch a 1 pack-a-day smoker try to get though his day from waking up to going to bed. Watch how EVERY action is controlled by the tobacco. He won't go to sleep without making sure he has cigarettes for the next day. He smokes before and after every meal. It affects every part of life.
Psychotic symptoms are, by definition, delusions (thinking things are happening that aren't happening; paranoia) and hallucinations (seeing, hearing or smelling things that aren't there).

Everyone knows "paranoia" with pot smoking is fairly common. Hallucinations aren't quite as common but it can happen if the weed is strong and you've had a lot of it.

There aren't any psychotic symptoms with tobacco; it's not that kind of drug--it's basically a stimulant. Psychotic symptoms are well known with alcohol, but it generally doesn't happen unless the individual has had a severe drinking habit for several years.

I'm not sure what you're getting at, there are plenty of studies about alcohol and tobacco, and not very many about marijuana.
the studies/reports are biased. i'm pretty sure the alcohol and tobacco companies had any reports on them squashed almost instantly. they have the money.
go to they'll give you accurate information.

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