Sunday, October 25, 2009

Letters of explanation?

How to apologize for missing class due to emotional and medical reasons that are currently under treatment.
You have to get the letter from your doctor to the office of your school or college. i dont know exactly but if you want to get sick leaves then you need to submit the proof of that you are under treatment and for the disability you missed the classes. if you missed the classes are under the sick leaves limit then you dont have to repeat the term again otherwise you will have to repeat the term. it depends on the rules and regulations of the institutions.
Truely and honestly. Get a letter from your therapist as well.
Just like you often need a "Dr.s Note" for your employer,
you can do the same for your classes.
A generic "...not well enough to attend classes..." is generally acceptable so long as it has the Dr.'s signature and letterhead.
You need to get a medical certificate, so your doctor or psycologist can do that. Then process it- at my uni we apply online for consideration and then bring the certificate to administration. If the problem is serious or chronic you could also see if there is a disability/ medical support officer at your school- there is one at mine- and they help students with these types of problems and make a plan with the student to make attendance etc and any specific problems more manageable.

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