Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mania, Normal or Insomnia?

A little confused at the moment -- I have Bipolar II (among other things), and therefore are on two mood stabilizers: Lithium and Lamactil. I have trouble with sleeping as it is, and have tried about half a dozen types of sedatives from doctors. Latest, they gave me Doxepin -- it worked for a week, then I started to get disturbances. For the past 3 days or so, I haven't gone to bed till around 4am (keeping in mind I have to get up at 8 to keep my advised schedule). I am WOUND in the nighttime, like I could run a marathom, despite 30mgs of Doxepin (the max I am allowed to take, is 50mgs). I wake up in the morning hung over -- I feel like I can die, on the 3-4 hrs of sleep a night I get... until about the afternoon, when it starts all over again.

Is it a manic episode on the rise? Just feeling better? I can't tell anymore. The confusion comes in the fact I am on two stabilizers -- mania should be ex'd out.
Hi being bipolar can be very confusing at times. I have had bipolar for 17 years now and still have a lot of problems with my sleep. I mean if I am depressed I can not sleep if I am manic I can not sleep. there is many other signs to mania so maybe you could ask someone if they can see any changes in you. also are you tired? as most times when manic its not so much that you can't sleep but that you don't need the sleep or at least your mind things you don't. Just because your on 2 stabilizers does not rules out mania. If the meds are not the right ones they will not help you with that. I have had more meds then I have hot dinners and really is not much I have not tried. Have you talked to your pdoc about whats going on. and ask a friend/family member that's close to you if they think there is any change in your mood. My parents can normal spot when I am going into a manic episode and will pick up on it sometimes faster then I can.
Listen to me. Your problem is THE MEDICATION!

Get off of it. Stop seeing psychiatrists. let the medication get out of your system and you will feel okay.

Do some research on this stuff. It destroys your brain.
Insomnia (sleeplessness) is due to stress,
dietary and medical problems. By making
small lifestyle changes like having a fixed
daily routine, relaxing and eating properly,
insomnia can be cured. I found the information at
I think the medication should be changed or the amounts altered. Yes, still take the medication, but you need to kind of experiment under a doctor's care to find out what is best for you side effects wise.
Do not listen to Budwiser!!! I am certain he did not go to medical school like your doc.

The best thing you can do is go see your Psychiatrist. tell him everything and he will be able to stabilize your meds.
Ok try moving them around to different times. I was on a med on time and my phych said "no, no, no, it doesn't effect sleep" Well he went on vacation and I got another doc. and he said take it in the morning and I did and it really helped. i take my lithium at night and it doesn't effect me, so look at the other two. i do not know them , but look at the side effects. If it causes aggitation, restlessness, change in heart rate, sleepless ness. See if you can take it in the morn. You take enough meds, esp. Lithium that it couldn't be mania...I bet one of those other 2 pills are doing it. I just started a new medicine called nortitryptiline and they told me to take it at night because it causes drowsiness...HA! It causes drowsiness, but extreme restlessness too. Meds. effect me differently. They say it takes 4-6 wks to feel better, I feel better in 4 days. You might be sensitive like me, look at those side wishes.

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