Saturday, October 31, 2009

List five positive and five negative things about aging?

1) senior discounts
2) you learn from experience
3) people respect you cuz you're old
4) you can pretty much get away with anything
5) you've lived your life

1) health starts deteriorating
2) driving abilities go downhill
3) you can't move around like you used to
4) having to eventually depend on other people to take care of you
5) mental acuity decreases
I would ask a Professional for the best safe answer for that one.
I really can't think of anything negative. You get into the movies cheap, people give up their seat to you on the bus, you get wiser, etc. I guess you have a harder time remembering things and you get wrinkles and stuff, but really that depends more on your lifestyle than your age. If you live a healthy lifestyle you hardly have any problems as you age. Some disorders are more common when you're older though.

-better perspective on life
-more independence
-senior citizen discounts
-more time


-physically going downhill metabolism slows down wrinkles etc. all the crap you did to your body starts to show
-bills and responsibility like kids
-supposed to be more sane and respectable acting
-job and figuring out what money to retire on
-lose your mind.
This is all I could come up with.

Wisdom, experience, senior discounts, and retirement.

Deterioration of health-physical and mental, and experiencing the deaths of loved ones and people close to you as you age.
haha this is going to be intresting.. positive,- 1wisdom, 2being able to look back on the years and enjoy what you have become, 3 being able to say i really dont care to what you look like,dress like,or act like,4 looking forward to the senior discount.5.getting to see your kids have kids, and then your grand kids have kids. negative,1,wrinkles,2gray hair,3 you cant walk as far and fast as you use to, 4 decideing who gets what in your will 5 the fear of whos going to die first me or my spouse..
+ you are closer to retirement (or you have already retired)
+ you may have beautiful grandchildren to be with
+ your near and dear may show extra respect, affection, and concern towards you
+ you have matured as a result of your many experiences
+ you feel good knowing that you have made it this long to age

- you may experience memory loss, hearing loss, or slow degeneration of other body parts
- you may have more difficulty sleeping
- your dietary needs may need to be reduced
- you feel less inclined to celebrate your birthday
- people might tease you about your age

note: I didn't look at any of the other answers before posting so sorry if any of these were already mentioend.
Gain Experience
Develop emotional maturity
achieving intellectual potential
Grow into your body
Having children

Physical deterioration
Closer to the end of life
Becoming marginalized by society
Being subject to Medicare
Financial difficulties

Interesting question!

senior discounts

wisdom (wisdom comes with age)


people let u slide on a lot because u are old

and if u have eye problems u can smoke weed with out risking going to jail .

bad :

your goin to die soon

you have all types of body problems

u loose teeth

ur be labeled as old as hell

and theres allways jokes out there about how u use to kick it with god or the dinosaurs

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