Saturday, October 31, 2009

Marijuana increase by-polar or explosive anger?

or any other mental disorder how about ADD? or can it make it help?
Yes and no.
Personal experience, a certain type of marijuana does not mix well with my manic phase of being bipolar. I am already paranoid and delusional enough.. no way do I want to risk adding to that.. Of course, it could have been bad timing.. could have been a chemical reaction to whatever I was prescribed at the time.. could have been a lot of things.
Marijuana is a plant that has characteristics loosely based on what type it is .. there are 2 major types .. indica and sativa. The effects will be different, depending on what is most predominant in the seed the plant grows from. Unless you have a steady supply of marijuana or grow your own, you have no idea what type you are getting.. mild or potent .. It may be the stuff that plants you on your couch so you can't move or the stuff that makes you giggle at paint drying .. so it can go either way.. Giggly stuff and attention deficiency or mood disorders don't go well together. Obviously, when I am feeling down, the last thing I want to do is put another chemical in my brain that is gonna keep me on the couch.
Knowing what you have is what is important .. Yes, it can help and yes it can complicate things.
The average person knows very little about any of this.
I only know because.. I am constantly looking for things that can help me out with my affliction. I hope this helps you as well.
"People who inhaled" generally agree that it made them paranoid, apathetic, sleepy, or gave them the giggles.

I wouldn't suggest that anyone try any drug, legal, or illegal, without consulting a qualified medical doctor first.
Anger? Explosive anger after smoking pot? Haha, trust me, you'll be too lazy and hungry to bother being angry.

It doesn't cause mental illness although there are some studies that suggest a link between marijuana and schizophrenia, but the evidence is inconclusive at best. You see, these people who blame marijuana for their mental illness were probably going to go 'crazy' anyways. Then there is the likelihood they were self medicating before self awareness of mental illness.

Can it worsen mood swings? Perhaps, but perhaps not. That's something you'll have to try on your own. Obviously, your doctor isn't going to reccomend it, so don't bother speaking with that guy first!

ADD? Well, I can't imagine it would help since short term memory loss (while high/stoned) is common. It could help relax you though.
Its now been shown that the younger you are when you start the higher the risks of depression, schizophrenia and other mental health problems you will get. There is a strong link between them.
i have bipolar disorder and anxiety and i smoke weed a few times a day. its the only thing that has ever helped me and the only time i can think clearly. and no, it will not make mania worse because it is sedative to most people. i am not suggesting you try this because you do not know how it will effect you and some people become addicted, but some do not. and it doesn't cause explosive anger either..probably the complete opposite.

all of the studies they have done about what it does or doesn't do are not 100% true. they will say it was "implied, interpreted, linked to" generalized words. if anything - alcohol will do those things to you. it is so much worse for you then kills so many people - but thats another argument.

actually, i was reading in the newspaper today that weed [the THC in it] has helped to get rid of some types of cancer tumors in mice. and they are trying to find out the right dose
in order to try to start a clinical trial in humans i guess.

but yesterday - when i was really high - i realized that i have to start doing things to help myself other then sitting around smoking and waiting for meds to work. so im going to get a gym membership tomorrow because exercising helps you feel better and i am going to try tanning because that helps some people also [especially because the weather is so gray and nasty here -long island] so i believe it has been a positive thing for me at least.
this is just my experience - hope it helps!
Pot really isn't good to consume when you are manic. It generally makes you more hyper and more paranoid. It kind of fuels you to want to go faster...and if you're like me, pot has a hallucinatory effect, which can further increase paranoia and any manic-related hallucinations or delusions.

If you are stable, I'd say smoke go ahead and get stoned once and a while. But if it starts to really effect your mood when you aren't high, then stop for a while. It's a matter or moderation, just like ineverything else in life.

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