Saturday, October 31, 2009

Making fun of "crazy" people. Who do you laugh at? Is it right?

maybe that's why they don't get help. I heard a gay man call someone "bi-polar" and told them to take their meds. then he laughed. Black, gay, "crazy", ... Who do you make fun of? Is it right?
Although a lot of people do it anyway, It is not right to pick on anyone for any reason! Not for there looks, for a mental illness, for their size, for a physical disability that they have! We all breath the same air and walk on the same ground we all just choose a different way of living our lives! I suffer from manic, bi-polar, schizophrenia and I am not at all ashamed of it and i tell people and I see them back away from me like I am a crazy person but some don't and I think those who don't are great because they can accept me for me...I am a very funny outgoing person and i have a great personality I just suffer from some emotional/mental disorders. I didn't ask for them I just got them and I am strong enough of a person to go and get the help I need to keep it under control. I have been seeing a therapist, counselor and a psychiatrist for over 14 years and i take medication and I have no problem admitting it, if someone picks on me for that then I just tell them it's not my fault they can't admit there own problems and hopefully someday they will overcome the fear and be able to admit it and get the help they need! I don't pick on anyone for, I don't believe in it and I tell my son he is not to pick on anyone either or he will be in big trouble, it is not right for any reason.
I don't make fun of anyone because I don't think it's right.
Excellent question. Making fun of "crazy" people is wrong and damaging to those people.

A person who has bipolar disorder, depressive disorder, OCD, Schizophrenia, etc. is living with an involuntary medical condition that causes them great suffering. The stigma and fear surrounding mental illnesses (more accurately described as nuerobiological disorders) has created a "blame the victim" mentality that has persisted for centuries and has only recently started to wane. Making fun of people who are ill increases their suffering.

Please, please do not do it. You can help advance understanding and compassion by refusing to laugh when you hear others doing it. It isn't funny. It isn't funny to mock a person with cancer, and it isn't funny to mock a person with a brain disorder.

I do not know who it is okay to mock. I think in general it is not okay to mock people (or a person) who is less advantaged than you are. It is also not okay to mock someone for a trait or state that is involuntary to them (gay, black, ill, poor, etc.). I have to admit I do make fun of people, usually people who are ignorant and privileged at the same time.

I hope this helps you!
Hm... i have about 3 black best friends and I think it is the stupidest thing to make fun of people because they have "darker" skin. That just kills me. Because those 3 people I know I love to DEATH! And no, I don't make fun of gay people. I know A LOT of gay guys and they are so much fun! Especially to go shopping with. If someone is actually "crazy" then, no, it's not funny to make fun of them. But, if they're just different and you find it funny, I don't mind.
Making fun of people is not right. No one is crazy and no one deserves to be called crazy. Bi-polar is a real disorder and you shouldn't make fun of people for that, or intend to imply that they have it when they don't. No one should ever be made fun of. Calling someone crazy can shape the rest of their life until they start to believe it to.

When I was younger, I used to be called crazy, schizophrenic, the worst of names possible. I grew to believe it and to hate it and to hate myself for something that I thought I was. Turns out I was just different all along and no one else could handle that.

Plain and simple, don't make fun of them. "Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can shatter the soul." I don't remember where I heard that, but it still rings true.
No you shouldn't make fun, because remember, but for the grace of God go I. Anyone who isn't defective, and most of us are, is just a lucky ducky!
I dont know. I just rather not laugh at anyone.
I know someone right now, who is insane. It is horrible, as this person is and could be extremely dangerous, and has no control over it. This person thinks that 'they are alright' and that YOU are the crazy one, and even makes fun of others...perhaps to make themselves feel better...just put yourself in the shoes of someone who truly is considered insane, and have some compassion, and try to help if you is not right to make fun of them by any means
I can only make fun of myself. I'm a crazy dork, misfit. One must laugh at such things.
i am "crazy". i go to a special educaton school b/c of my depression, anxiety , tourettes, ocd and epilepsy. and the other students there have similar problems too. we all make fun of eachother tho and itz all good. i mean everyone gets made fun of in joes so people need to lighten up b/c they are not the only ones getting laughed at. We call eachother bo tarts and most of our sentences end with " well itz okay because we are special........ ed of course" it makes life funner and funnier.

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