Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kids with oppositional defiance disorder?

are there any forums or support groups online for this,i really need to talk to other parents who are going thru all this stuff.
My son was diagnosed with ODD and ADD and I was told that I would need a Psych Degree to cope. He is now 20 and we have been through child therapy teenage therapy and now he has finally agreed to now seek help for himself. It seems as though he is hell bent on sabotaging every opportunity he is given. I do know very clear and strong boundaries need to be set, even if you think you are to hard, don't get lax. I understand what you must be going through. If you feel like killing Him or her I suggest walk away and breathe. I learnt to count backwards but actually spelling the numbers backwards. I have tutored kids with learning disabilities and even to this day I am lost. All you can do is try your hardest to keep them safe from harm and know YOU have done the best you can. You are not responsible. I thank God everyday he has made it to 20. If you would like to chat just to vent no Probs!
i dont know about forums. but my little brother has it so i'm VERY familiar with it
have a look on yahoo groups there is one for everything there.
I haven't found any groups, that I like, anyway. My youngest son (9), has ODD, was dx'd at the age of 4, and went through 3 years of behavioral therapy, but i don't know that it did any good! LOL
No, really, I don't think it did much good, and we followed her instructions to the letter!! We even had him see a child Psychiatrist, but to no avail.

Good luck to You

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