Hello. Well I am 15 yrs. old, I go to a private school, I am the biggest in 3 siblings, after school I look after my siblings, I do chores, I have to study, and I have homework. I know you may think " You are just 15 years old. You are stressing over nothing." Well, I am a multi-tasker, but sometimes I just want to cry, and just wanna stay home and do nothing, but since my parents work both, I have to help a LOT, since I am the bigger though. How can I relax at least a bit? Thank you =)
Get the younger ones to help with the chores. Get them in a routine to do their homework etc. You have a lot to do for a 15 year old.
You should talk to your parents and explain to them about how you are feeling.You are only human and need a rest.
Sounds like you have a full load. The best relief in life is the closeness and love of our friends and loved ones. Drown yourself in that. And keep an eye open for ways to lighten your load when you can with decency, ie, without dumping it unfairly on someone else.
Hope things lighten up for you.
How about weekends are you expected to watch the younger kids then also...if you are feeling overwhelmed please talk to your parents. A day here and there when you could spend time with your friends, or go to the mall with your Mom and get away from babysitting would be a big help - if getting out is out of the question - then do a spa day at home, relax, read, do your nails put a mask on your face and treat yourself to quiet time just for you. Life is great some days are harder than others tho.
I think it's great that you such a big help to your family. Please talk to your parents about this because you sound like maybe you have a little burn out. Just because your 15 doesn't mean it can't happen to you. Talk to your school councilor about this and she can give you some ideas. Good Luck and God bless.
First of all, congratulations on being such a mature, responsible young woman.
It sounds as if you have a great deal of stress in your life. Have you tried explaining this to your parents? Pick a quiet time and tell them you are emotionally exhausted and need a break once in a while. It may be that they don't realize how much they have put on your shoulders.
Good luck!
no offense but ur situation is not that bad.im also 15,oldest,pretty intense classes at skool,lots of homework,parents both work.and i dont find it all that stressful.one piece of advice..after skool when ur looking after ur siblings,just sit them down in front of the tv or w/e they like,give them some food,and just leave them alone.weird how much quieter they get
I used to have a teacher that had a similar experience growing up. She was the oldest of 8 children, and her mother was mentally ill. So... she had to cook, clean and do laundey. Somehow, with everything that she balanced, she managed learning piano (as well as excelling with her other studies) and becoming a wonderfully succesful person. I have never seen ANYONE in my whole life that could take on as much as her. My opinion is that it is NOT right for a parent to EVER force such circumstances upon a child, (although it is the child's duty to help out a bit, they should not be a slave)... But... if it is happenign to you, tough it up, do your best and you will be the better for it.
You should try to work out a schedule with your parents where maybe one day a week (could be on the weekend or whenever) you can just have the day to yourself to relax and do whatever you want. You don't have to watch your siblings or do homework or anything. That way you can some time to unwind and breathe for a second. My situation is a little bit different than yours but I also don't have a whole lot of free time to just kick back and relax. If you can't work anything like that out with your family then see what you might be able to cut back on in school. Are there any extracurriculars you could drop or a class that you dont need or something like that. Perhaps if your parents see that you are really stressed out and that this is becoming a problem then maybe sometimes they can let you off the hook with chores so you can relax.
Can you ask your parents for a little time off? Try to sit down and speak with them about your situation; how tired you may be, how you may need some help or a period of time away. Or perhaps if one of your friends came by to do homework with you, she could help you out with the chores and the younger ones. Is there anyone in the family who could help you? Cousins, aunts, etc.? If you have grandparents living nearby, they may be able to help you. Also, is there anyone you can talk to at church or at school, a counselor? Good luck and God Bless!
Lot's of parents have to lean on their older kids a lot because their lives are just as stressfull as yours; probably more. Just let them know you need a bit of "me time," or that you need to at least be paid for your services!
You are a great kid! It sounds like you have a lot of responsibility in your life, and you handle it well. I am 14 and I get stressed out with my life a lot. IT is just..tough sometimes=] I think what you can do to relax is maybe when your done all your work at the end of the day take sometime for yourself to maybe give yourself a pedicure (soak your feet and paint...all that stuff) and just do things like watch TV and go on the computer to get away from life...and all your work. Also if it is anyway possible, try talking to your mom, maybe set up a day one the weekend where you two could just go to the mall, get your nails done..something like that. You might want to tell her how you feel but I understand if you wouldn't want to do that because you might not want her knowing so that she things that you are responsible and have a great attitude.
I really hope I helped!
Have a great day.
I hope you get to relax..
%26lt;3 Katrina%26lt;3
take a weekand off and go out with your friends. even if it's just a couple hours to relax.
I agree, I would talk to your parents and tell them you need help!
Tell them exactly what you told us here, they should understand. I would list the amount of chores and things that you help with and also list the things you DONT get to do so they can see how unbalanced things are in the homelife.
As a kid I am sure you can feel and see a lot of what is going on in your household. Speak up Kiddo!
When I was young my mother was mentally ill for a couple of years when I was your age. I worked two jobs and had to do most of the chores at home. Why you feel stressed is because your being forced to be a parent right now when your only responsibility should be getting good grades, figuring out what you want in life and defining your character. What I would suggest is find something you love to do a talent totally unrelated to school and cannot be done at home. This gives you something positive to pour yourself into and mentally vacate from the situation at home. BCS if you don't all of this resentment comes out later ultimately holding you back.
Communicate this to your parents, and ask them to get the others to do what they are capable of as well, and try to have the more responsible one supervise while you do your homework. Learn the relaxation methods at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris... on page 2, and you can practise one in bed before going to sleep, after lights out, and also when travelling to school, or even in school on occasion.
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