Saturday, October 31, 2009

Life Support?

If someone you loved dearly was n life support with only 5% brain function and had a destiny to live life in a vegetated state would u pull the plug? Or would you keep them alive? Why would u pick the decision. What are your opinions of ppl that make the decision of pulling someone off of life support?
I have been faced with this decision regarding my baby girl. Its such a hard thing to decide but..I would withdraw support. I honestly believe that the preservation of life is so important, but a person who has 5% brain function will never have a life. A person with this much brain damage will be so impaired they wont experience anything from life, and all that made them who they are will be gone. I know that for many, keeping hold of what is only an empty shell of a loved one can help provide some comfort and I can understand there need to preserve what is left of there loved ones life, But for me, I always wanted what was best for my daughter, not what was best for me.
i would pull the plug 5% brain function would be a vegetable for the rest of their days
Since brain cells can't heal and once dead always dead I'd pull the plug and expect someone would care enough for me to do the same if I were the person with only 5% brain function. I have never had to make this decision in my life, but have had a friend faced with this decision. She pulled the plug to her son. What hell, making this decision. He had a tumor that destroyed much of his brain. To this day, it is a hard subject for her. I know she did the right thing.
I believe that you have to realize that the fate of your loved one is not about you, its about the best option for the person. Ask youself would they want to live this way. It is hard to let the ones that you love go, but consider their quality of life from a vegatative state. At five percent brain function you must realize your relationship will never be the same. Continuing life support may be just delaying the obvious. Deciding to pull the plug does not make you a bad person and does not mean you love them any less. Im not saying its an easy decision but it is one you will have to have to be able to live with

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